
Whoever we are HIV-positive or not, we're already living together.This is the concept of Living Together Project, it has started in 2003.

The treatments have made an innovative advance in the end of 1990's and the circumstances surrounding HIV-positive people have been getting much better than used to be.However, those people are still now having the difficulties to live their daily lives.The number of those who can tell their families or people close to them that they are HIV-positive has been increasing, but there are still many people who can't tell anyone about it and struggle to live with it.

Among HIV-positive gay and bisexual people, there are those who are also distressed by their own sexualities. They have sort of double difficulties. Some of them are married or having children.

At the same time, there are many who are saying that it's not realistic to them, because they don't have anyone like those people around.They might not have anyone who can tell them about it, and just might not know of their existences. Though I enforce condom distribution, or speak out "Stop AIDS", sometime I think they won't make any difference...

Living Together Project is the project which visualizes the voices of HIV-positive people, who still hesitate to have say or come out to outside, their families, boy/ girl friends and those who support them.

It may not only HIV- positive people who are having struggles to live in this present society. And, there might be some think that it is an additional burden to face reality.But at the same time, the reality for HIV-positive people has not only anger or sorrow, but also lots of joy and smiles on the same horizon. So do any other people.

I believe that to pay attentions to these realities can give us the opportunity to think "So, what can we do then?" and take the new step together.It could be wonderful if this opportunity can give us the ideas to make the city better, or can be a song on radio and make someone, walking on the streets under the cold-winter sky, feel warm.The city, where HIV-people can breathe freely, could mean everyone can live in comfortably.

To make it visualized, I do think that is the thing the artist can do.I've been thinking that way, and been keeping my activity. But, I believe that anyone could be the artist in this context, couldn't they?

January, 2008

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