Smashing Court, 2019
Archival inkjet print
187.5 x 150 cm
Edition of 6 plus 2 A.P.
Chen Wei (b. 1980, China) is well-recognized for his photography work. As an artist living in Beijing, China, Chen observes the rapidly-changing landscapes in the country, and his art-making is...
Chen Wei (b. 1980, China) is well-recognized for his photography work. As an artist living in Beijing, China, Chen observes the rapidly-changing landscapes in the country, and his art-making is influenced by his findings. His works often reveal the people’s hope for a better life, in contrast with the reality that they face. This sense of duality is inherent in many of Chen’s works, such as a glowing light amidst a dark setting, or a contrast between objects with different properties.
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